Actionable Ways to Support Your Goals

When working on your goals for the new year, it’s wildly beneficial to focus on creating allies who can help you on your path.

These are people often quite close to you, partner, friends, and even colleagues you spend a lot of time with regularly.

Why is it helpful to share your goals and dreams with those people VS staying quiet and in your head?

Two reasons:

1. Striving to make a positive change in your life is hard, period. So why not get all the support you possibly can?

2. Sharing your goals creates a deeper connection between you and the people you share.


When you share (in general), but for this case, your goals, it can often feel like you’re exposing areas of yourself that you’re not proud of or shameful of. Often leading you to feel/ think that the people you’re sharing with might judge or view you differently.

What does this require? Vulnerability and Courage.

2 hallmark qualities of thriving healthy relationships.

If you’re struggling to find the courage to share because you think the judgment will be too high and it’s easier to keep inside, try this:

1. Ask yourself if you truly want a deeper connection with the ally (if yes…)

2. Express your desire to share your goals, ask for support (which could simply be listening), AND express your nerves around judgment, shame, etc. (yes….)

3. Go for it! Afterward, return the favor and ask your ally how you can support their goals.


3 steps, and now you have a double win.

1. Support your goals

2. Deeper connection with those closest to you.

I understand this is hard and can be easier said than done.

However, I have struggled with this, and it left me feeling lonely and with a lot of resentment pushing away those who just wanted to be close to me.

That struggle is part of the reason why I am so passionate about my work as a Mindset Performance Coach.

It's now my job to offer others a new perspective on their complex feelings or emotions (No one “gets me,” I have to do this alone, etc.) and break them down in an understandable way to create change while holding them accountable to that change.

If you’re interested in support, please look into my services:

1:1 Coaching

Men’s Group starting Jan 18th

With heart,
